We are Truly Magnificent
During an Enlightenment Intensive I participated in years ago, I experienced something extraordinary: the realization of how truly magnificent we all are. We are perfect in our dysfunction, perfect in our pain and suffering, and magnificent beyond measure. Even when we cannot see it, our lives are a flawless manifestation of our innate brilliance.
I discovered that we are filled with limitless possibilities, even in this finite, physical world, which itself is a stunning reflection of our creativity and brilliance.
Sometimes, I like to ask people, “In what ways are you magnificent?”
Often, they struggle to see themselves in that light.
To speak the truth is to look at things exactly as they are, without attaching opinions or added significance. It’s about seeing the truth for what it is, without assigning meaning to it. A soldier friend once told me that in the military, this practice is called “looking at the facts with equanimity.”
In my eyes, our magnificence is simply a fact. It is the way we are.
Yet, so often, we think that speaking the truth means focusing on our faults or our problems. But what about our gifts? What about the ways in which we are remarkable?
Owning our brilliance is not bragging—it’s looking at the truth with equanimity. It’s acknowledging who we truly are, in all our facets, including the pain, the dysfunction, and the brilliance.
At Thursday Night Dyads, we’ll embrace it all. Come join us to own every part of yourself—your pain, your flaws, and your magnificent brilliance. Let’s explore and celebrate the truth together.