Having a session with Colleen is warm, like having a conversation with a friend who is completely engaged in your process and your progress. In 30 years, Colleen has given thousands of hours of sessions, bringing real relief to hundreds of people. Colleen has become adept at employing the principals of FSCP (Formal Structured Clarity Protocol – formerly known as Clearing) to shed light on stuck areas that are causing pain and disruption. Formal Structured Clarity Protocol starts from the premise that we are beings of choice. Problems arise when our mind becomes too full of incomplete past, that we carry around with us everywhere we go. Like a room that just has too much stuff in it, pretty soon there is no space for us. Stress and pain ensue, and make ourselves smaller and less capable than our capacity.
Colleen provides relief helps by listening, understanding, and bringing fresh perspective to persistent problem areas of life. Together we empty the mind, release the stress, and make more room for us to be as big and bold as we truly are.
Being at full choice, and operating at our best capacity in the present moment, allows us to take ownership of our lives. In this way we can consistently create the future we can own and be proud of.
SoulTrek offers several different retreats. You don’t need to know how when you come. Training is part of the experience.
Easter in Costa Rica 2020
Costa Rica Retreat
April 11 – 18, 2020
space is limited to 18
If you like the 4-day retreat, you may be interested in longer Permanent Shift retreats: 7, 10, or 15 days
Prerequisite: complete a 4-day Permanent Shift Retreat
Monthly Dyad Meditation Night
2nd Tuesday 7:00-9:30 PM – May 14
Monthly Dyad Day
4th Sunday 1:30 – 4:30 PM – May 26
Heart & Soul Weekend
June 1-2, 2019 9:30 AM – 5 PM
Devotion & the Divine
Permanent Shift Retreat
September 25 – 29, 2019
This is your opportunity for Enlightenment with professionally trained guides helping you on your way
Costa Rica Retreat
April 11 – 18, 2020
Besides taking a retreat, training or consultation with Colleen, she is available to run a private training or retreat for your group or Colleen can speak at your event.
You can sponsor an event for Colleen or hire her outright for a fixed fee.
Colleen trained in speaking through professional actor’s training in Stanislavsky and other methods and joined ToastMasters and CAPS for more specific training in speaking publicly.
Colleen specializes in facilitation and workshop presentation, but is equally at home delivering a keynote address.
Areas of Expertise Include: